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Home > Email Link Appender > Email Link Appender FAQ
Email Link Appender FAQ
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How does Insentric handle non-standard links?

If a non-standard URL is detected in a Marketo email link, such as an in-email anchor or a unique resource identifier using a special scheme like mailto:, tel:, sms:, or geo:, Insentric will automatically skip the link from being appended.


How does Insentric handle tokenized links?

Insentric handles token behaviors differently depending on the type of token:


  • Text Tokens: Insentric assumes that text tokens are set up without URL parameters or hashes. Additionally, any text tokens used within an email should follow Marketo best practices by declaring the HTTPS protocol outside of the token itself, such as <a href="https://{{}}">link text</a>supporting Munchkin tracking and Insentric tracking.
  • Rich Text Tokens: Insentric assumes that Rich Text Tokens will need non-tokenized tracking parameters. As a result, we strongly recommend that any folders or Programs heavily relying on Rich Text Tokens perform a local override of their appender token with a Text Token holding the correct parameters.
  • Velocity Script Tokens: Insentric cannot automatically edit script tokens due to limitations within the Marketo platform. However, we can work with your development team to help implement scaled tracking in scripts.


How does Insentric handle email variable links?

Links defined within a variable in a Marketo email template are fully compatible with Insentric and do not have any special considerations.


How does Insentric handle emails that are not on a Marketo template?

When working with emails inside Marketo, you may find an email is "broken from template" if you perform certain manual HTML updates inside the email editor. Insentric does support updating non-templated emails by going to Insentric Admin, visiting Marketo Configuration → Email Link Appender, and setting Update Non-Templated Emails? to "Yes." 

Note: Emails that are both broken from a template and using tokens for links cannot be supported at this time. This is due to how tokens are handled and rendered once an email is broken from the template; Marketo will attempt to copy the token value into the "broken" version of the email but does not provide a consistent way to detect the token or update its values.


How does Insentric handle Snippets used in an email?

While Insentric does not automatically update Snippets inside an email, Snippets can be used with the Link Appender to dynamically update tracking by performing a one-time manual update. Please contact your Client Success Strategist for more details and instructions on the next steps.

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